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Sunday, January 13, 2013
Dear UVC Friends,
Now that we are into 2013, I am happy to start things anew here on the blog. You'll be pleased to know that the website is being updated, and we will be going through a few operational and format changes that will make things more efficient. I have been Secretary since the new session, and I look forward to continuing to serve in any way I can. If you have suggestions or ideas, please feel free to contact me directly at secty@unitedveteranscommittee.com.
If you are not already subscribed to the newsletter, which comes out a few times a week with consolidated information, you can write me at that same email.
Thanks to Izzy Abbass, we also have a LinkedIn profile that is brand new, and we'll be developing on that as well. Look us up as United Veterans Committee of Colorado.
We still have our meetings on the second Tuesday of each month at 09:00 at the VFW in Englewood, 2680 W. Hampden Avenue, Sheridan, CO 80110. Please also mark your calendar for the UVC Banquet, which will be held at the Renaissance (3801 Quebec Street Denver, CO 80207) on Sunday, April 7, 2013. The pdf's are being updated on the site, but if you would like to register to attend you can contact our Banquet Chairman at kcmelcher@comcast.net.
Happy New Year to All!
Jenn Latini
Secretary, UVC