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Monday, February 28, 2011

Rocky Mountain Vietnam Veterans Welcome Home



Rocky Mountain Vietnam Veterans Welcome Home


Charles Bogle

Colonel, AUS (Ret)


Fort Carson Retiree Council


Friday, February 25, 2011

Governor Hickenlooper Confirmed Speaker- UVC 39th Annual Awards Banquet



Fellow veterans


Governor John Hickenlooper is the confirmed keynote speaker for the 39th Annual Awards Banquet of the United Veterans Committee of Colorado. This event will be held on Sunday, April 10th at the Denver Renaissance Hotel at 3800 Quebec Street in Denver. Information for banquet reservations, ads and special rate hotel accommodations may be found on UVC's Web site. Reception is from 3:30 PM with the program to begin at 5:00 PM followed by dinner and the Governor's address and presentation of awards.


The Awards Banquet, as in past years, will be a gala event in an exciting new venue where veterans, organizations, legislators and those who have helped veterans and their families the past year will be recognized and honored for their services. Invitations have gone to Colorado's elected officials at the Statehouse, legislators, and Congressional representatives.  Expected are area military leaders,veterans family members, veterans of our many conflicts, and VA personnel. Chuck Florian and members of his Littleton Community Band will again provide musical selections for our listening pleasure.


Visit UVC's Web site at: www.unitedveteranscommittee.com and click "Banquet" on the left side column of the page.  You are urged to make your reservations for individuals and your organizations as deadlines are almost upon us.  Artwork for ads should be sent electronically as per instructions. Final preparations for the program book should include your organizations ads and a listing of both table and individual sponsors supporting UVC.


Please finalize your plans to attend the 39th Annual Awards Banquet by making your reservations now and help us finalize needed arrangements and meet our deadlines.  All the information needed to participate in this annual event can be found on the UVC Web site.


Yours in comradeship,


Marvin L. Meyers    (303) 694-9022           Ken C. Melcher    (303) 341-9170

Banquet Co Chair                                    Banquet Co Chair & Reservations

Past President UVC                                      Past President UVC



FOR RESERVATION AND AD INFORMATION:  visit UVC's Web site at:  united veteranscommittee.com




Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Fwd: VA Homeless Conference Update

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: VA Homeless Conference Update
Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2011 10:51:47 -0700
From: Schupbach, Jordan D. <Jordan.Schupbach@va.gov>
To: Steve Rylant <sarylant@comcast.net>

Thanks again to all who participated in the Homeless Forum held February 7, 2011 in Denver and Colorado Springs.  We had 89 people in attendance, with 66 non-VHA attendees representing 44 agencies and Colorado Springs had 30 people in attendance, with 18 non-VHA attendees representing 15 agencies, making the grand total of 119 in attendance, 84 non-VHA representing and 59 agencies.  We were pleased to have a number of VIP guests including Helen Thorpe, our new First Lady of Colorado as well as Jeannie Ritter, our most recent First Lady, in attendance.


We identified common themes, two action items to add to the 5-year plan, which map out our next actions and follow ups to the forum- those themes and plans are summarized below.  We will want to distribute a brief summary and the revised 5-year plan and specific follow up action plans for the forum to participants and invitees.  While there were some competing agendas as one would expect in such a large gathering, the very strong feedback was that of a lot of energy and excitement in agencies and people coming together to pool our resources to help reach the goal of ending homelessness in Veterans in the next 4 years.  We plan to have a repeat forum/coalition meeting in about 6 months.


We also want to thank all who volunteered to co-chair workgroups that we were going to develop out of the break-outs.  We have instead decided to form a single steering committee for a new, yet to be named coalition, from the forum attendees and invitees.  Please let us know if you are interested in being a part of this steering committee and if you are interested in being a co-chair for this new group.


Common themes:


1.       Communication- to all stakeholders and especially our Veterans, in all shapes and forms, including existing resources such as the United Way 211 line, and the many unmet needs.

2.       Collaboration/Linkages- while many exist, many further opportunities exist, including development of Memorandums of Understanding (MOU’s) etc.

3.       Resources- many exist but aren’t widely known, no one agency or person knows them all, and despite this there are clear gaps to be addressed.

No one agency, especially VHA, can get the job done alone.

4.       Employment is a huge need for our at risk and homeless Veterans and resources are especially scarce in smaller cities and rural areas.

5.       Non-eligible Veterans- i.e. those who aren’t eligible for VA services, are especially challenged.  (One common positive feedback is that homeless Veterans who are eligible for VA services have a much broader and more comprehensive range of services and help available to them than do non-Veteran homeless folks).

6.       At risk populations, especially returning OEF/OIF Veterans are an area of acutely increased need and concern.


Two additions to 5-year plan, including action items:


1.       Create a coalition (name t.b.d.) led by VHA, starting with the participants of this initial Homeless Forum:

a.       Form a steering committee

                                                               i.      Solicit volunteers to form committee, identify co-chairs, from VA and non-VA

                                                             ii.      Include fed, state, regional/city, public nonprofits etc

b.      This is not to duplicate or upstage existing organizations such as FRICH, the Colorado Interagency Council, the Metropolitan Denver Homeless Initiative, and the Denver Road Home etc.

c.        First steering committee meeting by 4/30/11- agenda to include:

                                                               i.      Name of coalition

                                                             ii.      Leadership

                                                            iii.      Charter and structure

                                                           iv.      Preparation for proposed CRRC (see #2)

                                                             v.      Future steering committee meetings

                                                           vi.      Next Coalition meeting- about 6 months after 2/7/11- including a more focused agenda


2.       Prepare for proposed CRRC and make it a true community one-stop shop, not just VA (need to keep as proposed idea until official announcement of funding made by others):

a.       Pull together all available resources to create a community wide referral and reference center where veterans could get immediate assistance and referral for issues they have with medical care, community resources, etc.

b.      Create a network of CRRCs?- interfacing with what Pikes Peak MHC is reported to be doing in Colorado Springs, and what Posada is working to set up in Pueblo

c.       Ideally create a Virtual CRRC- Our community partners and Veterans, especially OEF/OIF, need at least a link from official ECHCS webpage to a comprehensive, user friendly homeless/CRRC page.

d.      Linked to existing resources such as United Way 211 line, our HUD-VASH resource line, the VA Homeless Hotline, the Vet Center’s Nat’l call center etc

e.      Target date of completion: 9/30/11


Thank you and we look forward to your response.


VHA Staff at the Denver VA Medical Center.


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Bulletin from VACO Police Service from Urdiales, Anita (V19)

The first of three homes to be converted/built in Aurora to house veterans

Friday, February 11, 2011

Fwd: For UVC: Openings available in Homelake's domciliary cottages!

We are excited to let the UVC know that the recently renovated domicilary cottages (similar to assisted living) in Homelake/Monte Vista have several openings for immediate occupancy! Prior to the renovation, the cottages were almost always full, and often had long waiting lists. But openings occurred during the renovation of many months, during which time, no new residents could be admitted. As you know, Homelake is the only State Veterans Home in Colorado to offer assisted living-like domiciliary cottages.
So if anyone knows of veterans and/or spouses/widows or Gold-Star Parents who might be interested, please feel free to pass on this information. I've attached a color ad that highlights what both the domiciliary cottages and the nursing home offer; contact information also is provided.
Anyone interested in more information can call Vickie Olson toll free at 888-838-2687 or 719-852-5118 or by e-mail at ( vickie.olson@state.co.us ) or Pam Self (same phone numbers) or by e-mail at pam.self@state.co.us .
Thank you for your help in getting the word out!
Connie S. Young, M.A.
Marketing and Business Development Manager
State and Veterans Nursing Homes
Department of Human Services
1575 Sherman St.
Denver, CO 80203
303.866.4985; fax: 303.866.2606
Caring communities that honor America's heroes!
This email message and any attachments, from the Colorado Department of Human Services, are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed. The information contained herein may include protected or otherwise privileged information. Unauthorized review, forwarding, printing, copying, distributing, or using such information is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful.  If you have received this message in error, please notify the sender by replying to this message and deleting it without disclosure.  Thank you.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

New and enhanced VA Benefits Provided to Caregivers of Veterans

From: VA Media Relations
Sent: Wednesday, February 09, 2011 2:00 PM
Subject: New and Enhanced VA Benefits Provided to Caregivers of Veterans


New and Enhanced VA Benefits Provided to Caregivers of Veterans

Unprecedented Law Augments Commitment

to Nation’s Most Vulnerable Veterans


WASHINGTON – The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is launching the first of a series of new and enhanced services supporting family caregivers of seriously ill and injured Veterans.   In May 2010, President Obama signed the Caregivers and Veterans Omnibus Health Services Act of 2010 legislation authorizing VA to establish a wide range of new services to support certain caregivers of eligible Post 9/11 Veterans.

“Caregivers make tremendous sacrifices every day to help Veterans of all eras who served this nation,” said Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric K. Shinseki. “They are critical partners with VA in the recovery and comfort of ill and injured Veterans, and they deserve our continued training, support and gratitude.”

“DAV is happy to hear that caregivers of Veterans are getting additional support and services to care for our Nation’s heroes and unprecedented new services for our most recent severely ill and injured,” said David W. Gorman, executive director of the Washington Headquarters of the Disabled American Veterans.  “We understand there are challenges to implementing the new law; including ensuring that critically ill and injured Veterans of all eras are similarly supported.”

In addition to the new benefits and services for eligible Veterans who were disabled in the line of duty since Sept. 11, 2001 (Post 9/11 Veterans), VA will also begin providing enhanced benefits and services to caregivers of Veterans of all eras who are already enrolled in VA care, including:

·        Access to VA’s toll-free Caregiver Support Line:  1-855-260-3274,

·        Expanded education and training on caring for Veterans at home,

·        Other support services such as counseling and support groups and referral services; and

·        An enhanced website for caregivers.

Some of the  new benefits of the Caregivers and Veterans Omnibus Health Services Act are restricted by law to the caregivers of the most seriously ill and injured Post 9/11 Veterans.  Those additional benefits include:

·        A monthly stipend,

·        Health care coverage,

·        Travel expenses, including lodging and per diem while accompanying Veterans undergoing care,

·        Respite care; and

·        Mental health services and counseling.

VA will take the opportunity to report to Congress in the future on the feasibility of expanding the enhanced services to family caregivers of Veterans of all eras.

While some of these enhanced benefits are available now, many of the other significant newly-enacted benefits will require the issuance of regulations.  These additional benefits include monthly stipends, pay for travel costs, medical coverage, training, counseling and respite care designed to prevent institutionalization of Veterans whenever possible.  The law requires detailed regulations for determining eligibility, designating and approving caregivers, and providing stipends and health care coverage to primary family caregivers.  The complex process required to implement these regulations will provide Veterans, caregivers and the general public the opportunity to provide comments before those regulations are finalized.

 “VA has supported caregivers of Veterans of all eras for almost eight decades,” said Deborah Amdur of VA’s Care Management and Social Work Service, “and we know from our experience and research that Veterans are best served when they can live their lives as independently as possible surrounded by caring family and friends.”

Each VA medical center has designated caregiver support coordinators who will assist eligible Veterans and caregivers in understanding and applying for the new benefits. VA also has a Caregiver Support Web page, www.caregiver.va.gov, which will provide general information once final regulations are published.


#     #     #



Hillary Hutson

Colorado Division of Veterans Affairs

7465 E. 1st Ave., Ste C

Denver, CO 80230


Fax: 303-343-7238


Monday, February 7, 2011

UVC Banquet Documents

Friday, February 4, 2011

New VA Hospital Update Feb, 2011

Thursday, February 3, 2011

WWII Tribute


Stephanie Walton

Legislative Aide to Representative Matt Jones

Room 302




Dear World War II Veteran:


First and foremost, thank you for your service to our country.


It is my honor to invite you and a guest to the Colorado State Capitol to join me in the House Chambers for a Tribute to Honor Flight, World War II Veterans and people who sacrificed at home while family members were away in service.


February 8, 2011

Colorado State Capitol

200 E. Colfax Ave.

Denver, CO  80203


Please join me on the second floor of the Capitol in the House Chambers at 8:40 a.m.   To RSVP, please contact my office at 303-866-2920 or email RepMattJones@gmail.com.  If a guest will be joining you, please provide his or her name.   If needed, the visitor’s entrance on the south side of the Capitol is wheel chair accessible.


I look forward to meeting you and honoring your service with this deserved Tribute.






Matt Jones

State Representative

House District 12